The One True Game

Do other party card games leave you feeling... empty inside?

Cult Following is a storytelling game where you convince your friends that the eternal truths that you just made up should command devotion, while their fanatical ravings are just plain ridiculous.

Choose ideas from a hand of cards, bind them together into a ridiculous cult and pitch it to your friends. Answer pointed questions from potential recruits, defending your own ideas while attacking the lies of the other cultists. Describe how your cult ascends into fame and fortune, while others languish in obscurity!

Will your friends heed your warning about timid forest creatures, shapeshifting and unspeakable horrors, or will another cult steal your rightful followers?

"This game is really really good." "Seriously my favorite of the genre by far." -- Unfiltered Gamer

For 3+ good humored players
300 cards
10 minutes per round
Ages 13+

Dogs and cats living together

Going door to door

Gladiatorial combat
Dogs and cats living together
Guns. Lots of guns
Going door to door
Gigantic man eating earthworms
Gladiatorial combat
"There is an epic rivalry that has existed since the dawn of civilization. I speak, of course, of the eternal conflict between dogs and cats. Even though they are mortal enemies in the wild, there are families where dogs and cats live together peacefully. It's not natural; it’s a violation of the laws of nature. One species must assert its dominance over the other once and for all. We spend our lives going door to door, collecting all the pets we can find. At our elite upstate shelter, Scruffy and Mittens are trained for a life of gladiatorial combat. In the end, there can be only one true pet."
-- Bret